The G0dfathers


CorporationKumoviSecurity status2.1
AllianceThe G0dfathersAvg. time in corporation3 years, 2 months, 10 days, 7 hours and 17 minutes
Date of birth 2006-01-12 22:45:00Id915883762
All we r is Dust in the wind

Godfather forever


I ovaj kamen zemlje Srbije,
Sto, pretec suncu, dere kroz oblak,
Sumornog cela mracnim borama
O vekovecnosti prica dalekoj,
Pokazujuci nemom mimikom
Obraza svoga brazde duboke.

Vekova tamnih to su tragovi,
te crne bore, mracne pecine;
A kemen ovaj, ko piramida
Sto se iz praha dize u nebo,
Kostiju krsnih to je gomila,
Sto su u borbi prodiv dusmana
Dedovi tvoji voljno slagali,
Lepeci krvlju srca rodjenog
Misica svojih kosti slomljene,
Da unucima spreme busiju,
Oklen ce nekad smelo, preziruc,
Dusmana cekat cete grabljive.

I samo dotle, do tog kamena,
Do tog bedema,
Nogom ces stupit, mozda poganom.
Drznes li dalje?... Cuces gromove
Kako tisinu zemlje slobodne
Sa grmljavinom strasnom kidaju;
Razumeces ih srcem strasljivim
Sta ti sa smelim glasom govore,
Pa ces o stenja tvrdom kamenu
Brijane gl

Employment history

KumoviKumovi2007-10-22 15:102025-03-05 18:3017 years, 4 months, 11 days, 3 hours and 20 minutes
LegionariLegionari2007-08-29 12:062007-10-22 15:101 month, 23 days, 3 hours and 4 minutes
KumoviKumovi2007-03-07 22:252007-08-29 12:065 months, 21 days, 13 hours and 41 minutes
Black Omega SecurityBlack Omega Security2007-01-26 09:512007-03-07 22:251 month, 9 days, 12 hours and 34 minutes
KumoviKumovi2006-01-23 16:552007-01-26 09:511 year, 2 days, 16 hours and 56 minutes
Republic Military SchoolRepublic Military School2006-01-12 22:452006-01-23 16:5510 days, 18 hours and 10 minutes